October 18, 2017
Oh my, I absolutely LOVED looking back at Whitney & Rob’s Nantucket engagement photos to get this post ready. I try not to throw around the word magical too much but I swear there was something magical about this night. Whitney decided to start the session at a spot that means so much to her, the house where she spent most of her childhood, built by her Dad and his brothers and named after her Grandpa Whit. It was the perfect place to begin. We walked around the property and down the road while the gorgeous light flickered through the trees and then finished the session at Madaket Beach with a lovely sunset. You can’t beat heading to Millie’s post-photos which is exactly what they did to meet up with friends for drinks and tacos. It was a perfect night and it got me even more excited for their wedding next September! Cheers to Whitney & Rob – we are so happy for you both! PS – How gorgeous is Whitney?!
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